The 30 Young and Dynamic Entrepreneurs in 2017 august2017

Cover Story

The 30 Young and Dynamic Entrepreneurs

Amitabh Ray: Building an Organization where People Feel Valued

Leaders are those who inspire others to dream big and help them find out the pathways to achieve those. He or she is the one who is there to give them the credit for the achievements and provide them with air cover when things are not going the way they should. The mind of leader is always looking for solutions and opportunities even in the midst of challenges. Strong leadership is the belief that people can make a positive difference to the world—and for customers, colleagues, the organization, and shareholders….
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Company Of The Month

Fine Support Services: A Professional & Dedicated Support Service Provider

The existing Industry scenario is very optimistic as in the outsourcing field of IT industries…
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Entrepreneur Of The Month

Sankar Ragavan: A ‘Visionary’ who sees The Bigger Picture

There is a saying which goes, ‘Leadership is the ability to translate imaginations into reality.’ Challenges…..
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The 30 Young and Dynamic Entrepreneurs in 2017

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