The 10 Most Recommended Retail Solution Providers in 2019 February2019

Cover Story

Retail Solution Providers

Rise Retail & Payment Solutions: Engaging Customers for Thriving Businesses

“In this age of the Customer, the only sustainable competitive advantage is knowledge and engagement with customers.” – Forrester Research Businesses change with changing technology, customer demands, innovative products, and competition. What does not change is the bottom line – Customer Connect and Engagement. A business is nothing without its customer. A product or service is what its consumers make out of it. If a product hits all the right chords with the consumers, it’s a hit. While it is easy for the big businesses to…….
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Company Of the Month

Maxtra Technologies: Technology Partner for Business

After a lull of almost a decade for software opportunities in the Indian retail industry, there is a sudden storm. Traditional Retailers are looking for solutions that can bring them on par with online retail and giants. This pressure of going digital and being relevant to consumers…
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The 10 Most Recommended Retail Solution Providers in 2019

Interview With Insights Success

CXO Standpoint

India Rising

Providing Platform