The 10 Fastest Growing Travel and Hospitality Service Providers June2017

Cover Story

Fastest Growing Travel and Hospitality Service Providers

Insha Malhotra: A Passionate Restaurateur

Born and brought up in Kanpur in the family of a hotel entrepreneur, Insha Malhotra, Restaurant Owner of “D-Café” and “Stone: The Indian Drama,” is a restaurateur by heart and soul. As a kid, she grew up in a surrounding where every conversation of her family members revolved around hotel businesses. Let it be about the selection of chairs for a fast casual restaurant or about what chandelier would suit the traditional fine dine décor, Insha started showing interest by participating and giving her inputs in these conversations….
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The 10 Fastest Growing Travel and Hospitality Service Providers

CXO Standpoint


Bon Voyage

Vino Amor