The 10 Fastest Growing Healthcare Solutions Provider Companies January2017

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Fastest Growing Healthcare Solutions Provider Companies January2017

Techindia: Accelerating Optimal Patient Care, Service Delivery & Medtech Convergence in the IoT Age

Healthcare, like other industries, is evolving rapidly, keeping pace with technology and creating enormous business opportunities for global care providers in the digital age. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), medical devices are increasingly interconnected, linking equipment manufacturers, service organizations, healthcare professionals and patients/consumers. As a forerunner in the….
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CEO Of The Month

Dr. Dheeraj Bhojwani: A Passionate Pioneer in Medical Health Tourism

Every entrepreneur’s journey when retold with the benefit of hindsight can throw up valuable lessons on several aspects of ‘how to manage a business.’ However…..
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Company Of The Month

CallHealth: Everything About Health

India’s healthcare profile is plagued with certain shortcomings. As per industry reports, the doctor to patient ratio is highly skewed, at 1:1700, and it is much below the WHO recommendation of 1:1000…
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Enterprise Of The Month

ZeOmega: A Population Health Management Company

Over the past decade, healthcare services available in India have increased dramatically. Since independence, considerable progress has been achieved in the promotion of health in India. Being healthy is now…..

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The 10 Fastest Growing Healthcare Solutions Provider Companies 2017

CXO Standpoint

Interview with Insights Success

Go Green
